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Monday, 1 April 2013

iYogi Insights Research on Why Parents Are in Favor of iPad

A new research enlightens how Apple’s iPad is a lot more than just a business tool, a tech toy of geeks, a delicious multimedia device for entertainment and work. It is a secret parenting tool of parents, of late. This survey has been conducted by iYogi Insights that suggests that parents are now willing to allow kids spend time in iPad – that too as much as 33 percents. Hence, is iPad a fast becoming new secret parenting tool? This new survey by iYogi has presented with recent views of parents why they are favoring in raising their kids. Thus, this iYogi Insights research would open up eyes of parents who are still disapproving iPad to their parents and have been dead against schools incorporating iPad to the classroom studies.

Why do parents say “I Do!” to iPad for their kids?
iYogi Insights has conducted a study by interacting with subscribers across the world. iYogi has around millions of customers from ten different countries across the world and it is among the largest in the tech support industry. With frequent interaction with their subscribers, iYogi endeavors to delve deeper in their lives to understand how technology and devices influence their lifestyle. iPad is one of those connected devices along with computers which are covered under iYogi’s tech support service. While providing tech support service and observing their pattern of using iPad, iYogi has created an infographic and data on how parents are using iPad as a parenting tool. And here it is.

According to iYogi Insights’ study on iPad, around 33% parents are in favor of giving iPad to their kids. There are several reasons why parents agree with the educational benefits of iPad –
  • Apple has ventured into textbooks, apps, special iTunes U apps for K-12 to college students. 
  • Apple has also developed a screen reader which comes with playback support in order to cater to kids with vision impairment, hearing impairment and other physical disabilities and learning difficulties. 
  • On top of these onboard tools and features, galore educational apps, games, e-books and interactive books for kids are available on iTunes App Store. Parents are now willing to invest in substantial time and money to explore and download such iPad ready content to make learning interesting and easier for kids.     
  • iPad is also a gateway to Internet access. Kids can use iPad to download and get information to complete their homework, download e-books, educational games 
  • Kids can use iPad to check out educational websites for practicing math, improving writing skills, calligraphy among others. 

Are parents ready to spend money for iPad downloads?
No wonder why parents are okay with buying this relatively expensive gadget and spending in downloading a slew of kids focused content on iPad. iYogi Insights’ research suggests that –

  • 92% parents approve kids to use iPad as a homework tool and 88% of among those parents have kids who score well in school.
  • Parents are now okay with spending $14 in a month on subscriptions and download of iPad content.
  • Around 80% parents are willing to spend money in downloading games and e-books on iPad. However, iYogi Insights has shown that parents are not much in favor of allowing their kids to download music and videos on iPad.  

iYogi Insights’ study on parents’ view on iPad also shows that 57 percent parents are using iPad in order to keep their kids busy with the device when they are out for shopping, at a restaurant, or when they just want to relax at home. Parents benefit from kids’ obsession with this plush toy and various games on iPad in order to find time of their own and keep kids under control. Many parents give iPad to their kids when to prevent kids frequently asking “are we there yet” and keep their focus on the road on road trips. Apps like LunchBox, Little Things, Paper Toss are classic favorite apps of parents to keep their kids engrossed in iPad during car drives.  

Moms or dads – who support iPad more for kids?
Though 33 percent in this study by iYogi is relatively a smaller number than the number of parents who have disapproved iPad for kids, but, both genders are in equal agreement in this regard. iYogi Insights has claimed that both moms and dads have shown equal favor in buying  iPad for their children. Not only that, they have shown considerable interest in spending money for downloading kid-friendly content on their kids’ iPad devices. However, majority of moms are in favor of iPad (56%) than dads (47%).

Parents have also agreed to allow two hours of screen-time on iPad, on daily basis, for their kids. iYogi Insights has also suggested that such willing parents and children with fondness for iPad could be the early adopters of educational tools and software that Apple is endorsing.

What type of content parents approve on iPad for kids?
iYogi Insights suggests that parents who are willing to buy iPad have expressed considerably generous spending on download of content. They have agreed to spend an average monthly spending of $14 on downloading games, e-books, apps, music, videos and movies on iPad for their kids. Considering the price of most of the games on iPad that range from as low as 99 cents for Where’s My Water and Ice range, $2.99 for Fruit Ninja, $4.99 for World of Goo, $9.99 for FIFA 12 HD. Among monthly $14, most of the parents have agreed to games, apps, e-books as compared to music and video content. Here is a figurative analysis of what parents mostly approve their kids to watch and what they are unlikely –

  • 82% of parents favor games and apps
  • 81% have given their nods for e-books
  • 60% have allowed music content 
  • Only 52% have given consent for videos and movies. 

iYogi Insights’ research has shown that among those parents who are against buying iPad for kids, are in favor of buying any other mobile device such as notebook, netbooks, Kindle, an iPod or any other MP3 player, iPhone or any other Smartphone. So, why do you think these parents agreeing on other mobile devices are unwilling to buy iPad? Will you buy an iPad for your kids? Write us your comment.